Brexit's Irish crisis 6th September 2017 Brexit will affect Ireland, North and South, more profoundly than any other part of the EU. The grave and wide-ranging implications were examined at length and... Speeches
A turning point for gay people 50 years ago 19th July 2017 On 27 July 1967, Royal Assent was given to the Sexual Offences Bill following long campaigns in the country at large, and in both Lords and Commons; in the... Speeches
The political deadlock in Northern Ireland 14th July 2017 On Monday, 3 July James Brokenshire, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, gave an optimistic assessment of the prospects for re-establishing devolved... Speeches
Uncertainty in Northern Ireland 27th April 2017 Northern Ireland was the subject of Alistair Lexden’s final speech in the 2015-17 Parliament. The Province’s devolved government collapsed in January; prolonged... Speeches
Stanley Baldwin in a year of anniversaries 31st March 2017 On 29 March Alistair Lexden gave a lecture at the Carlton Club to mark the 150th anniversary of Stanley Baldwin’s birth and other Baldwinian anniversaries which... Speeches
Gay rights and the Commonwealth 17th March 2017 Respect for the human rights of gay people is conspicuous by its absence in most countries of the Commonwealth. In over 80 per cent of them homosexuality is a... Speeches
Tackling illiteracy in prisons 23rd February 2017 Some 60 per cent of prisoners are functionally illiterate. An inability to read inevitably hinders the rehabilitation of thousands of prisoners, particularly... Speeches
Schools together 10th February 2017 Alistair Lexden is a strong supporter of partnership between state and independent schools. On 9 February, he introduced a short debate in the Grand Committee... Speeches
School children need milk 26th January 2017 No one doubts that milk is good for children. By law milk must be available during school hours, but too many children today are not drinking it regularly with... Speeches