No prospect of democratically accountable government in Northern Ireland 5th September 2018 Since the collapse of the Northern Ireland Executive nineteen months ago, the Province has been run by civil servants. They are accountable to no one. The... Speeches
Should civil partnerships be extended to brothers and sisters? 23rd July 2018 On 20 July, Alistair Lexden set out at length the reasons why this should be done in his speech moving the Second Reading of a Private Member’s Bill which he... Speeches
Justice for Ted Heath - the case for an inquiry 16th July 2018 Having demanded an inquiry in the Lords on July 12 (see below), Alistair Lexden summarised the reasons why it is essential in a letter published in The Times on... Speeches
Justice for Ted Heath - the continuing campaign 13th July 2018 Alistair Lexden is one of a number of people in public life who are demanding an independent inquiry into Operation Conifer which ended last year in a highly... Speeches
The Tories and the creation of the NHS 6th July 2018 On 5 July, the Lords held a debate to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS. Predictably, a number of Labour peers claimed that Nye Bevan was its sole architect... Speeches
A landmark election a century on 2nd July 2018 On 2 July, Alistair Lexden, Chairman of the Conservative History Group, addressed members of the Liberal Democrat History Group on the 1918 general election and... Speeches
Secondary Legislation - rebuking the Government 26th June 2018 What is generally known as secondary legislation takes the form of statutory instruments (SIs), often detailed and technical in nature, which give effect to... Speeches
Alistair Lexden delivers lecture on Ted Heath 21st June 2018 The current Lord Speaker of the House of Lords, Lord Fowler, has instituted a series of lectures, to which members of the House and others outside it are... Speeches
Britain's Saviours - Empire and Commonwealth troops in the First World War 5th June 2018 A number of debates have been held in the Lords to commemorate the centenary of the First World War. On 4 June, Alistair Lexden added another one in order to... Speeches